Monday, September 12, 2011
Hello~ If i can accept thousand of your weakness and bad habits, can you try to accept a little bit of mine too? or at least praise the little, nope, alot of changes that i have made? ANNOYING LAR!!!!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
The Woman that Cant be Moved
Guess that I am moving very slowly, maybe not even moving. Maybe there's not yet space available for a new one. Maybe I am just simply enjoying now. I just dunno, dont really think about it. Maybe I should start thinking and set up the priority. How much I wish things can be paused.
I know: when one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.
I always tell myself: I dont have to prove anything to anyone. I just need to prove myself how strong i am. I need to let go. Take some time, cry a bit and then move on. I will feel like I am born again.
To my dear friends, please dont tease me with another new guy. I may respond to the joke with a smile, but deep inside, i still think it is really weird. Not really long time ago, you guys blessed me to be happy forever with some guy. So teasing me like that is really weird. Dont ask me why, just try to put urself in my shoes.
Well, I am not moving. But at least, I am not longer waiting. Just the wash out period is kinda long. So what? I am not desperate. ;P I am still young, plenty of chances is waiting for me.
Monday, July 25, 2011
傍晚时刻,接到一个熟悉电话。经常听到这声音。谈的只是嘘寒问暖,并非公事。为何我却感到如此厌烦?马马虎虎,怒气冲冲地回答,不到三分钟就把电话挂掉?我躺在床上,开始感到后悔。冷静之后,拨了电话回家。问候弟弟们。问候婆婆。婆婆的脚因为被我自以为是的二姑乱服中药,疼得不能走路, 针灸后才康复。我听着听着,眼泪也流了下来。
我最讨厌打电话回家。最讨厌嘘寒问暖。就是因为我不想,想家, 担心家务事。弟弟们顽皮,不努力读书。爸妈有时吵架。亲戚们有时玩暗战。这些压力,无形,却让我透不过气。我连家都很少回。但是,奇怪的是,六年了,我何尝没有一次,一离开家门,与爸妈婆婆道别,自己一个人在机场,偷偷流泪到上飞机?我对家,又爱又恨。这些,我的家人并不知道。他们懂的,只是陈家出了一个有个性,坚强的女医生。接到朋友电话,我喜;接到家人电话,我悲。我想,我只是一个,一旦投入长久感情,就会无法自拔,但又不擅长表达,带着假面具,的一个没用女儿。
Saturday, June 4, 2011
生活上有了一些改变, 也许当初他的决定是正确的。我生命出现了一些比情人还能持续更久的朋友。 每天嘻嘻哈哈, 吃喝玩乐, 有难同当, 有福同享。 而今天, 当他跟我说再见, 祝我假期快乐时, 我竟然开始想念起他了。 天呀, 我怎么搞的? 哈哈!可能我想念的, 是他身上所散发的香草味道。 可能我想念的是, 他微笑的脸孔, 时而自大, 一次次重复他的威风史, 他的自信。 可能我想念的是, 在玩耍时,我们不经意的互动, 手指与手指相勾的那一刹那。 想念的味道, 甜中带点酸, 我开始喜欢这个恋爱最原始的味道。。
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Screw You
Whats your fuckin problem? You busybody/ quidnunc/ nosey-parker/ nosy-parker!
Sticking your nose into other people's business.. What is wrong with everyone nowadays?? What is it that makes everyone seems to think they are qualified to do things far beyond their capabilities?? That's the problem between two of us, so there is no space for u to come in and give advice.. Who do u think you are?? Real pro??? come on sucker, you loser!!!
The best advice I can give is to ignore advice. Life is too short to be distracted by the opinions of others.
Good advice is something a man gives when he is too old to set a bad example.No enemy is worse than bad advice.
So screw you!!! We dun need ur advice.. Even wanna start a new life is also none of ur business!!! What kind of fren r u saying such thing??? I cant believe it.. What position do u have that makes u thk u can give such BAD ADVICE?? Fuck off!!!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
这一切也是你们直接或间接造成的、是你们亲手把一个好孩子拉进 坏的边缘。
越长大越孤单 越长大越不安 也不得不看梦想的翅膀被折断 也不得不收回曾经的话问自己
青春就是这样吗? 自己的人生就是这样吗?自己就这样认命吗?
如果我说 我累了'' 我可以变坏吗?'''
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